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Thread: What factors does the cost of the pool depend on?

  1. #1

    What factors does the cost of the pool depend on?

    Hi all,

    What do you guys think of an indoor swimming pool? I hope it will be cool to have one in your house. I plan to install an indoor pool in mine. I have high cholesterol levels and muscle pain. Even after joining chiropractic sessions I had no relief from muscle pain. When I consulted my doctor he suggested swimming daily. From there comes the idea of installing an indoor swimming pool, so that we can use it in all seasons without any failure. We have contacted an indoor pool construction service. They have an award-winning design team. So I hope they could provide us with some amazing designs.

    I have heard, a pool in the house increases its value at the time of selling it. We even have a plan to sell it in the future and settle in Paris. So we need to make it in the most beautiful form it can be. Is there anyone who installed a pool recently. What factors does the cost of the pool depend on? Share your knowledge.


  2. #2
    While there are plenty of things to consider before you embark on the idea and install a swimming pool in your house, the first thing that comes to your mind is “how much does a pool cost?”. This is not a simple question to answer as the swimming pool cost depends on a number of things. There is an average swimming pool cost and then come the extras that can range from a few hundreds to thousands of dollars. It all depends on how much you are ready to spend on the swimming pool.Here are the factors that can influence the cost of your swimming pool.

    1. The Size of the Pool

    The most common factor, as many of you would’ve expected, to increase the overall cost of your swimming pool is its size. As the size of the swimming pool increases, so does the cost of the additional materials required to build the pool and the work onsite. The soil removal and excavation costs of building the pool in your backyard will increase. To be on the safe side, you will have to add additional $3,000 to $5,000 to your swimming pool budget when you are upgrading from one pool size to the next.

    2. The Pool Site

    If you are trying to minimise the cost to build a pool in your backyard, a flat area of your backyard will make the best site. It will minimise the ground work that needs to be done to create the ideal pool scape. Until a few years ago, fibreglass pools were only available for flat sites. However, with the invention of Maxi Rib Technology, you can put a Compass Fibreglass pool at any site, from rooftops to hillsides etc.

    3. Access to Your Backyard

    Installation of swimming pools in your premises is not a difficult job for professionals if they are able to get machinery onto the site easily. While it will not cost you too much to pay in situations where the access to the pool side is limited, but it will definitely add to the pool costs a little

    Hope that answers your question..

    Mikos, Virginia

  3. #3
    Yes, having pool definitely wouldn't hurt the selling price of your house. It definitely adds value to your home and there are several factors to determine the cost of the pool. First is obviously size, the bigger the pool the more materials it would require resulting to more cost of construction but would also have a greater value if you plan to sell it later on. Another factor is the style of your pool and the materials that you plan to use in building it, there are certain materials that add a premium touch to a pool that could altogether increase its value. Lastly, the location of the pool, having one indoors is definitely great if you plan on using it on any season but the question is how accessible and convenient is it to install an indoor swimming pool in your home? Remember to factor in all of the cost in building one to determine its real value. You can actually check this link https://alpinecredits.ca/pool-financing-canada/ if you're looking to extend your funds for the pool a little bit further.

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