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Thread: What a home inspector looks for

  1. #1

    What a home inspector looks for

    We're getting ready to put our home up for sale and were hoping to get some information in case the home is inspected.

    Can you tell me what usual things a home inspector looks for?

  2. #2
    For a complete listing of what's inspected go to www.ashi.org and search for "Standards of Practice."

    Here is a shortlist:

    - Older worn roofs that are 15 years or older and maybe two or more layers.

    - Overhead electrical wires that are too close to the ground. They should be 10 feet out of reach at their lowest point of access.

    - Loose toilet bowls and/or plumbing leaks. In a basement or crawl space check for stains under the bathrooms and kitchen.

    - Plumbing cross connections. The drains from a water softener or water heater cannot be inside a sewer opening.

    - Homeowner wiring repairs that are not safe. This includes wiring that has been added, open junction boxes and wiring that has been improperly spliced. I also check the electrical panel to insure the service is adequate for the home. Older 60-amp panels should be upgraded.

    - A wet basement or crawl space.

    - Bedroom windows that do not open easily or will not stay open. This is very important for emergency egress.

    - Look for tempered windows near a tub or shower drain or windows that are so large and are so easily accessible that they are required to be tempered for safety.

    - An older furnace, air conditioner or water heater that is near the end of its useful life expectancy.

    - Copper gas lines that need to be replaced. This is a regional problem due to the nature of the gas in certain areas.

    - Steps either inside or outside where the risers are too small or too tall or are not uniform in height.

    - Improper and unsafe handrails and guardrails.

    - Unsafe wood deck support posts, floor joists and fastening systems.

    - Cracked concrete that could be a trip hazard.

    This is a brief list of things you may be able to inspect yourself. Prior to placing your home on the market, it would be wise to have the home professionally inspected by a qualified and experienced ASHI home inspector.

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