Cane Farm Furniture - home of artisan-crafted reproductions of authentic vintage furniture, custom-made pieces, and one-of-a-kind accessories for your home—all destined to become your heirlooms. Whether it is a period-inspired piece from our own Cane Farm workshop or furnishings from one of the premium manufacturers or master cabinetmakers that meet our exacting standards, only the finest designs and craftsmanship make it to our showroom and from there into your home or office.

We hope you will visit our showroom, 3500 square feet of professionally maintained room settings located in a renovated farm building on the Cane Farm homestead. Here you can walk among our artfully arranged furniture and accessories displays and examine the quality construction, finest materials and exceptional design for which Cane Farm is known. We’re in rural Hunterdon County—the most beautiful countryside in all New Jersey—just outside of historic Stockton on the Delaware River, and we promise you, it’s worth the trip. Besides the serenity and natural beauty of our setting, we know you’ll appreciate our room-after-room of out-of-the-ordinary wood pieces based on classic Colonial, Early American and Shaker styles, upholstered sofas and chairs, lamps and accessories, prints and whimsical gifts.
Remember, Cane Farm specializes in creating that special piece of furniture you can’t find anywhere else.

A passion for craftsmanship and beautiful materials...

Charles Cane was a successful farmer and businessman in Hunterdon County, raising his family and his poultry on a beautiful farm just outside of Stockton, New Jersey, in the 1930s. After college, his son Phil joined forces with a craftsman who worked there on the farm, and the two started a little furniture-making business in 1965, taking over one of Cane Farm’s many buildings for a workshop and showroom. Pretty soon the furniture business took off and Charles Cane retired.
Owen Cane grew up right there on his granddad’s farm, watching his father work with the materials and tools of the furniture-making business. Owen discovered that he preferred working with his hands and with wood more than anything else, so it seemed a logical progression to join the family business. With a degree in fine woodworking from Bucks County Community College just across the river, Owen has brought a well-developed design sense and the skills of a master craftsman to Cane Farm Furniture. Although Phil and Carol, his wife, remain active in the business, it is Owen’s vision that steers the operation in the new century. Together they ensure that every piece they sell will be the antique their customers pass down through their own families—exceptional quality, design, materials and beauty that stand the test of time.

Route 519 (Kingwood-Stockton Road)
Rosemont, NJ 08556