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Home Office Setup Ideas

by Creative Leather Furniture on 03-14-2012 at 11:48 AM
So, you’ve finally been given clearance to work from home. You’re excited because now is your chance to finally prove to your boss that this would actually be in their best interest and not be a reason for you to start working on e-mails in the morning in your bunny slippers.

Well, OK, maybe it is a reason to start work in your bunny slippers but the work comes first. What to do, then, to ensure the space you choose to toil in for your working hours

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Ideas For Building and Stocking a Home Bar

by Creative Leather Furniture on 03-14-2012 at 11:46 AM
You’re hanging out at your favorite watering hole, you’re enjoying the experience of drinking and carousing with your closest drinking buddies when all of a sudden you wonder whether it would be possible to recreate the experience in your own home.

Besides having to buy a set of leather bar stools and cocktail shaker what’s a burgeoning bartender to do if they want to bring the magic into their living room?

Well, a good rule of thumb for

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3 Ways To Summer-Proof Your Home

by Creative Leather Furniture on 03-14-2012 at 11:43 AM
Depending on where you live in the country, summer means a return to enjoying the outdoors after being sequestered inside through the cold winter and damp spring while, in desert climates, summertime means more time spent inside when not ensconced in the cool confines of a pool.

Regardless of location, though, the one thing that’s certain across the board is that this time of year is a perfect time to think about summer proofing your home. Gone is

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Leather Recliners: What You Should Know

by Creative Leather Furniture on 03-14-2012 at 11:40 AM
The ol’ La-Z-Boy is a thing of the past. Long gone are the days when it was acceptable to have a khaki colored chair draped in a coarse fabric that only dad was allowed to sit in. In the 21st century, the trend is leather and the aim is complete comfort.

Some of the advances made in leather recliners in the past decade has been in the realm of technology. No longer do you have to pull a lever at the side of your chair in order to get in a recline position.

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Living Room