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How To Determine if You Need Concrete Lifting Repair

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Most people prefer using concrete in their floors, patios, sidewalks, foundations, driveways, and even pool decks. This is because concrete is a versatile and sturdy material. However, even if proper care and maintenance are done, concrete can sometimes shift or crack due to various reasons such as improper strength, excess water, lack of control joints, and extreme dryness. Regardless of the cause, you'll require concrete lifting. Fort Worth, TX has great companies who can help if you are looking for concrete foam lifting near me. Below are top signs that you need concrete lifting repair:

1. Sinking Concrete Slabs

This is usually a result of some reasons, such as variations in soil conditions, uneven weight distribution, or erosion. If you notice sinking slabs, you need concrete lifting foam near me to lower the risk of replacing the entire sunken concrete. This can be done using two methods, i.e., slabjacking and mudjacking. You'll find sinking slabs in walkways and sidewalks.

2. Uneven Concrete

Most people think that it's normal to have some uneven concrete slabs in their homes. However, this isn't something normal and should be taken seriously since it's a safety hazard indicator. Uneven concrete slabs can result in falling, stubbed toes, or other forms of injuries. In most cases, this problem can be found in high traffic areas such as the garage floors and basement areas.

3. Presence of Puddles

Even and uniform concrete doesn't support the formation of puddles. However, if you come across water puddles on your driveways or sidewalks, it shows that your slab is correctly aligned. In this case, you need concrete lifting repair to prevent further damage.

4. Visible Cracks

You'll need concrete lifting Fort Worth if you notice some visible cracks that mostly come as a result of weather or soils changes. Soil expansion and contraction are primarily a result of weather and humidity variations. You shouldn't ignore even the most simple cracks you come across because they continue growing if they aren't fixed in advance.

In conclusion, these are top signs that you need concrete lifting repair. Foam injection is the most recommended solution since it's a quick and cost-effective than most concrete lifting methods.

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