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Restoration and replacement of a soft roof repair

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When working with flexible bituminous tiles, as a rule, it is only necessary to re-coat the joints with bituminous mastic in order to restore tightness. Replacement of a separate section of shingles may be required only if it has received Roof Repair mechanical damage. To do this, first remove the roofing nails. Next, gently lift the shingle with a spatula, separating it from the base and adjacent elements. The installation site is re-coated with a layer of bituminous mastic. The same sealant is applied to the underside of shingles that have been moved. A fresh piece of material must be pressed tightly against the roof.

They complete the work with one or more patches of roofing felt, each of which should be approximately 10 cm larger than the previous one. They are tarred and sprinkled with sand or gravel, marble chips for strength. By the way, when starting to work with roofing material , the working side must be cleaned of the powder that covers the sheets so that they do not stick together during transportation. By saving on materials , you run the risk of discovering that a “cheap” ruberoid roof costs you a lot. After all, under it you need a continuous crate, and every year it needs to be Roof Repair treated with mastic. And having spent on tile, you will get rid of the hassle for many years. And over time, it will be able to become your “road” not only in the financial sense.

Some Tips

Please note that a complete replacement of the roof of the house, or its current repair, should be carried out in the warm season, but not too hot. The optimal periods are autumn and spring, when dry weather sets in. Under such conditions, roofing materials will not lose their basic qualities, and all paint and varnish and repair compounds will receive an optimal drying environment. In this way, maximum material reliability can be achieved. Before starting repair work, the roof surface should be cleaned of dirt and debris. Places where repair work will be carried out should be treated with special substances that improve adhesion.

How to fix a roof leak

A leaking roof is not a pleasant thing Roof Repair and it is not worth postponing the solution of this problem. For a multi-storey building and a private house, the stages of eliminating a leak will be different, but they have one thing in common - identifying the cause.

  • The owner of the apartment should contact the emergency service of the housing and communal services with a written statement about the problem. The utility worker must sign the document. The applicant must be provided with a copy of the paper.
  • A copy of the passport and title documents are attached to the application. Within 14 days, a commission should go to the facility, which will draw up protocols, one will indicate the cause of the leak, the other - the damage caused to property. In addition, it does not hurt to take a photo or video of the damage. If a peaceful solution to the problem has not been achieved, then you can safely go to court with a statement of claim.
  • Owners of private buildings who have used the services of construction teams should contact the manager directly. The existence of the contract gives the right to compensation for damage or reworking poor-quality work. Sometimes the "masters" do not admit their own flaws Roof Repair
  • If the roofing work was carried out independently, then you will have to cope with the resulting leak on your own and at your own expense. For these purposes, it is advisable to turn to experienced roofers, while not forgetting to sign the contract and acts of work performed.

Safety and other recommendations

It should be remembered that roofing work is associated with a high risk of injury. Here you can slip, stumble from dizziness. These are serious enough arguments to contact a specialized company where experienced roofers will perform all the required manipulations.As a rule, the repair of the slate roof of a private house can be done independently. Light tapping in strong winds may mean that the slate nails are partially out of the batten. You can fix the problem by replacing the nails with self-tapping screws with a wide hat and a sealing gasket. Since used slate is fragile enough not to be damaged when old nails are removed, a block of wood should be placed under the nail puller. If problems occur in the corner pieces of the roof, they will need to be removed. A self-adhesive aluminum tape is mounted on the bottom of the elements, the defect is filled with epoxy glue, left to dry completely. If the old slate sheet is unsuitable for further use, it is completely replaced. At the same time, fasteners are removed from the defective sheet, as well as from neighboring ones. After laying a fresh slate sheet, the fasteners are reinstalled.

  • Carrying out repairs involves the selection of high-quality building materials that correspond to their characteristics. In addition, many crews use an infrared camera, which allows not only to determine the location of the leak, but also to present the real state of the entire roof.
  • Based on the data received, the scope and nature of the work is established, and an estimate is drawn up. Next, an agreement is signed, which reflects the cost and terms, rights and obligations, and a warranty obligation is prescribed.

In a private building, the first step is to inspect the attic. It is necessary to check the structure (rafters, flooring, floor) for mold or rot. For example, water can leave dark spots on any surface, be it metal or wood. It is mandatory to check the electrical wiring laid in the attic. If there are damages, they should be repaired immediately. The next step is external verification. The insulation is carefully examined at the junctions of the roofing material with vertical elements. Valleys are examined for accumulation of leaves, branches, and the like. The cornice board, which could have been damaged by strong winds, is also checked for integrity. Further, the channels of the ventilation system, drain pipes, and gutters are inspected. In any case, they are cleaned of debris. There should be no chips, dents, cracks on the coating.
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