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Stylish Lighting Ideas For a Unique Kitchen

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Kitchen Lighting

A good kitchen needs you to install several types of light. Because the kitchen handles many activities, the lighting will help you carry out your cleaning, cooking, crafting, and any other activity. Such lighting will make you find your kitchen pleasant and enjoy your duties. It is Good to ensure that your kitchen has the following types of lighting:

· Ambient

The Ambient or all-over lights will enable you to see all parts of your kitchen. They usually hang from the ceiling and function when there is minimum or no natural light in the evening. First, you have to consider the amount of natural lighting your kitchen receives during the day. If there are any gaps, you will fill them using artificial light.
Generally, ambient is the primary source of light in the kitchen, and you have to ensure that the lamp casts it as evenly as possible. You can use chandeliers, flush mounts, pendant lights, or recessed lighting.

· Decorative Lighting

You can install additional lighting in your kitchen with the sole purpose of enhancing beauty. You can do this by installing mini flush mounts to accentuate the overall appearance of your kitchen. You can also work with table or desk lamps.

· Task Lighting

Task lighting will enable you to carry out specific tasks in your kitchen. You cannot only rely on ambient light. Some tasks like reading the recipe or chopping onions and tomatoes will need you to have dedicated lights to certain kitchen regions.

For instance, you can consider installing under-cabinet lights to help you see the recipe you are reading at the counter. You can also install sconces to enable you to see the counter when it's time to chop.
Always remember that ambient light leaves shadows in areas that may need more focus. You, therefore, have to use task lights.

How to Illuminate Key Lighting Areas

· Over Your Island

Your kitchen island will determine how you want to light it. Your choice will depend on whether the island is the hang-out type or contains an integrated workspace (countertop).

Typically, for task-oriented islands, you will use a combination of hanging lights and some recessed downlighting. If you have a hang-out island, you can choose to use pendants and ambient lights. You can use a set of three pendants to ensure that the light gets evenly cast in your kitchen.

· Under-Cabinet Lighting

Ambient lighting facilitates movement across the entire kitchen but leaves shadows In some areas that need more focus. The use of under-cabinet lighting ensures that your shelves and work surfaces get proper illumination. It takes care of your safety during meal preparation and makes it easier to read recipes and spot ingredients.

· Accent Lights for Improving the Lighting Design

By placing your decorative lighting correctly, you can emphasize your favorite elements. Recessed lighting can help you focus on glass shelves and open cabinets. You can also use over cabinet lighting to bring out the décor and architecture of your kitchen. A LED tape can help you trace a pathway.

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