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Shiraz Kahn

Minimalist Bedroom Decor Essentials

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ID:	11399Searching for a way to make your room more relaxing and to help you sleep better? You can do both by embracing minimalism in your bedroom. Follow the lead of Santa Barbara interior designers by giving your bedroom a make-under and create that Zen-like vibe while maintaining a luxury aesthetic. These tips for mastering minimalism include the essentials you need to perfect this style.

Clean It Up

Clutter is the antithesis of minimalism, and if you want your bedroom to mimic a stunning home magazine, you should pair down your stuff. Find a proper home for the things you use often or tend to leave out, including hand lotion on a bedside table and loose change from your pockets. Take that same critical eye into the closet and clean it out too. There is something about getting rid of clutter that just makes you feel lighter.

Stick With Neutrals

Pale, muted shades are perfect for a bedroom. Create a palette with neutrals in mind, and instead of focusing on color, concentrate on texture. A few comfy pillows and an extra layer of plush blankets in shades of gray, cream, and white may feel like you are sleeping on a cloud. If you like a pop of color, add plants for natural green. Bonus: houseplants also work as little air filters, so they look good and serve a purpose.

Pare It Down

For that “less is more” appeal of minimalism, do not make your furniture the focus of your room. Manhattan Beach interior design firms recommend a small bed frame or platform rather than a large, four-poster bed and large dressers. If the idea is to keep the bedroom open and uncluttered, then heavy furniture or too many pieces are doing the opposite. A simple nightstand, cozy chair, and low dresser or other storage option may fit the bill. Perhaps, now that you have cleaned out your closet, you might not even need a dresser. Hidden storage is a must for a minimal bedroom, such as a basket under your nightstand or a bench at the foot of the bed that doubles as a chest can give you space without feeling overwhelming.

Add Some Inspiration

A minimalist room is not the same thing as a cold, barren space. It is more about embracing simplicity and surrounding yourself with the things that really matter to you. In that vein, why not hang a work of art that sparks your creativity? A large abstract, black and white photography, or traditional nature print would all work well, as long as you do not overdo it and make the room feel crowded. Family photographs are also a good choice, but instead of clusters of picture frames covering every surface and counter, you could arrange them on a single gallery wall.

Now that you have a place to start, do not limit yourself to just one room. Take a minimalist approach to a guest room or children bedroom design to give the rest of your family or friends the benefit of a restful space. Once you dedicate your home to a simpler way of being, you may find that it is easier to maintain and cozier any time of year.

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Tags: bedroom, décor


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