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Simon Hopes

How To Clean Metal And Plastic Drink Bottles?

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Reusable water bottles go everywhere with us and are refilled day after day. This is simply because they are cost effective and convenient and help us stay on complete control of our thirst. However, most of us often ignore the significance of regularly cleaning metal and plastic drink bottles.

Water bottles that are stored in the car or left for long periods or can develop odors, unpleasant taste, mould, and bacteria. It is worthwhile to note here that these nasties have a habit of thriving especially well in moist and dark environments.
Here are some good ways to keep drink bottles clean and germ free:

  • One of the easiest ways is to toss the water bottles in the dishwasher upside down at the end of every day. If you don't have a dishwasher then you can try using Gumption. For this, you need to fill up the sink with boiling water and then add and mix a spoonful of Gumption. Once this has been done, you can put the bottles in and leave to soak for about 30-40 minutes. This helps in breaking down grime and removing dirt particles to keep the bottles clean and sparkling. After this, you can simply rinse the bottles with clean water and let them dry for a while.

  • You may also try out using a cleaning cloth on the end of a bottle brusher or toothbrush. It is suggested to fill the water bottles to be cleaned with hot water and add a little quantity of dishwashing detergent before giving it a nice scrub.

  • If you are looking for a home remedy to clean water bottles, you can try out vinegar that is a natural disinfectant. Vinegar is highly effective when it comes to cleaning drink bottles. To start, you can first wash the bottles with hot water and soap and then refill the bottles with hot water and add a few tablespoons of cider or white vinegar. You may leave the bottles overnight to kill germs and bacteria. Next morning, you can just rinse the bottles and allow them to dry naturally.

We hope that these tips to clean drink bottles at home was useful to you in more than just a way. If you want to buy premium-quality drink bottles, you can always online stores like HouseByUs that are known to provide the best water bottles for all your requirements. This will help you in making an informed purchased decision and get the best value out of your spent money.

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