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Difference We Can Make

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Every day we’re bombarded by messages to help cure this disease or fight that cancer. It’s gotten to the point where a lot of us are desensitized to the messages and only truly support a cause once we are personally affected by it. But, what if you could be a part of something that really needs you? What if you could directly impact the fight against pancreatic cancer and actually see the results? What if you knew the research and clinical trials for pancreatic cancer can open the door to cures for other diseases and disorders such as autism, MS, bipolar disorder, diabetes and other cancers? Would you be interested?
You might not know too much about it or know anyone that has been affected by it, but pancreatic cancer does need the support of each of us. Through raising awareness, we’ll be able to fund more clinical trials and research which will lead us one step closure to giving pancreatic cancer patients a fighting chance.
Karrie Forbes, Sunni Goodman and I traveled to Phoenix in July for an eye-opening look at TGen, the research and clinical trials they’re conducting and exactly what the donations from Mattress Firm Foundation have already helped to do.
Why are Clinical Trials Important?
Clinical trials really hold the key to finding additional treatment methods instead of the current three options which are mediocre at best. Just to paint the picture, Dr. Von Hoff explained to us the progression of treatment and survival for pancreatic cancer patients.
Prior to 1996, only 4% survived one year after diagnosis. In 1996, a breast cancer drug was approved and the one year survival rate jumped to 18%. This has been the status quo until about 2005 when the introduction of another drug added two weeks of life. In 2009, Dr. Von Hoff and his team received a grant from Stand Up Cancer to perform a clinical trial lasting three years. The goal of this trial is to increase the one year survival rate to 80%.
Guess where they are today at the halfway point? The one year survival rate is now over 40%. This fall, another clinical trial will begin and introduce a new drug that has successfully increased the life expectancy from six to eleven months. The addition of this drug to current treatments could boost the one year survival rate even more. In fact, they are starting to see some Stage IV pancreatic cancer patients in full remission.
Why is Research Important?
Right now, 85% of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are in Stage IV. This is one reason why the survival rate is so low. How do we find and pinpoint the disease in its early stages? How can we successfully screen people to see if they will develop pancreatic cancer?
The answer is research. During our trip to the TGen facilities this past week, we witnessed first-hand some of the world’s most advanced technology and medical research. The key to TGen’s research successes and notable discoveries lie inside each of us.
That’s right! Your three foot strand of DNA. By analyzing and sequencing the over 25,000 genes a person has, scientists can pinpoint variations, clues, and possible areas that are vulnerable. Typically it takes months to sequence and analyze DNA. In a small lab room at TGen’s research facility, we saw the entire human DNA on a small glass slide called a flow cell. This flow cell is run through a machine and can be sequenced in a matter of hours. The results are then used by the different research physicians in analyzing different conditions including autism, MS, ALS, bipolar disorder, triple negative breast cancer and more.
One key to really attacking pancreatic cancer in a way that is highly successful is a solid understanding of the basic behaviors of the cells. To see up close and in real time what occurs throughout the different stages of pancreatic cancer, scientists are able to view these events in infected mice. In May, Mattress Firm and Simmons donated over $157K to purchase the innovative in-vivo ultrasound machine. This technology is specifically engineered to identify disease pathways, evaluate drug compounds, and monitor their effects on disease progression. Utilizing this technology allows physicians to see if treatment is working within the first few weeks versus several months. Dr. Von Hoff’s standard is that if within one month a patient hasn’t seen any change or has worsened, it is time to try the next method. He refers to this as a relentless pursuit.
This form of research works in tandem with clinical trials. This machine allows them to see how the drugs are working, how quickly they are working and physicians can then apply them directly to clinical use.
To sum it up, generous donations helped purchase this machine which helps advance drug development and research which means patients are being treated more effectively, quicker and the discovery of a cure is closer than we think.
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Updated 12-17-2011 at 12:45 PM by Mattress Firm



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