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Timber Floors Shine Better With These Expert Tips

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ID:	10895If you wish to add a touch of luxury to the floor of your home, shop or hotel, then timber flooring is what a lot of us go for. Whenever there is a renovation taking place and the homeowner wishes for a newer and better look, their first choice is to get a shiny timber floor.

However, with time, these timber floors tend to lose their look and shine. They are delicate enough to do away with their initial luster if not taken proper care of. If you are one of those homeowners, who has a timber flooring and are looking for ways to reinstate the shine, then read on for some great tips that will help your timber floors shine better. These tips are Sureshot pieces of advice as they are suggested by the flooring experts from Criterion Flooring themselves!

So here it is:

Refinishing - A lot of timber floors lose their shine because of our day to day processes. This includes human traffic, pets, abrasive particles, and moving about of furniture. All these factors cause the floor to lose its shine. However you don't have to worry. Small damages like these can be reinstated by refinishing your timber floor! Use sandpaper for some quick fixes and scratches. If still not happy, you just have to apply some refinishing agent that is readily available in the stores. Make sure to read the instructions carefully. If this task seems confusing to you, then you can always hire the services of professionals who will get the job done for you!

Re-Waxing - If your floor is new and has managed to get some small little scratches and little damages here and there that are not possible to be removed by refinishing agents or solutions then you can go for a complete floor rewaxing process. Use a clean wax applicator to evenly spread the wax all over the area. Again you can hire professionals to do the job for you. Make sure that the wax is evenly spread all over the area. It is not a great idea to use too much of wax as it can get deposited in the corners and cause further problems. Identify the right amount and wax the area to bring back the shine!

Timber Floor Colouring - Not everyone goes for this amazing option; however, if you wish to see your floor complement the look of your house then timber floor colouring is the perfect option for you! The flooring expert that you have hired will show you a list of coloured stains that are available in all kinds of colours and shades pertaining to wood! Your floor will attain a deep, vibrant colour that you can colour-match to your requirements. So if you like a brighter room, you can go for a lighter shade, if your room is already well lit then you can contrast the floor by giving it a darker shade.

Natural Remedy - If you have infants in your home or you do not wish to use those harsh abrasive chemicals on your floor then you can definitely go for some really useful natural remedies in order to bring back that shine of your floor. Tea tree oil is one of the beneficial natural agents that can surely be used to reinstate your dull floor and bring back its shine! This magic oil is safe for your infants and pets, so you do not have to worry about any allergies. Moreover, tea tree oil is neither an environment polluter like its counterparts nor an expensive product to buy. To prepare the solution just mix 10 to 20 drops of tea tree oil along with some castile soap and water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it over your floor with simultaneous wiping and buffing with a soft dry cloth.

These tips will surely let you have a vibrant timber floor once again. Just make sure that you have vacuumed the floor properly before proceeding with any of these tips!

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