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Wood on the walls

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Wood is a favorite raw material in many buildings, mainly due to its structural properties and the aesthetics it imparts to the space. Wall-to-wall lining will livelihood in your home and will farewell to the dull and monotonous face of simply painted walls!

Wooden surfaces have much to offer in your house, from insulating to attractive aesthetics. You have the ability to choose between strange variations, dimensions, shades and techniques. Wood either processed or unpainted, either with a simple varnish or natural texture and painting techniques, give a separate result that does not go unnoticed. The wall-to-wall lining presents striking proposals and equally facilitates the craftsman and the owner. Following the tips given to us by our experienced platform professionals, we analyze everything you need to know about the use of wood on the walls of your home!

In case you want a renewal in your space or you want to design the walls of your new house, wood can become your best friend. It will ensure you a beautiful result with great functionality. Wood is a perfect choice with a lot of benefits. Let’s see the most important of those.

1. Insulating material.
Wood, as a good conductor of heat, provides insulation to your home. It has a better heat-insulating power than both steel and aluminum. In areas where there are high or low temperatures, humidity and severe weather, a wooden lining will save you a lot. You can rely on it to achieve the right thermal insulation and waterproofing too.

Wood can protect your house from temperature differences. It will provide you with a balance in the atmosphere of your home and will give you safety from the bitter cold or intense heat of the summer.

2. Warm appearance.
Whatever color you pick for your wood, the earthly colors will give character and intimacy. Its color shades are attractive and pleasant to the eye, without getting tired of your eyes. The deep warm colors of nature are in balance with the rest of the environment and contribute to serenity.

With the variety the market offers you, you can create a peaceful house which will be your shelter. It is confirmed that houses that have wooden faces on their walls help to balance the psychology. Raise the levels of relaxation by "dressing" your wall with wood!

3. Eccentric look.
Sometimes a wooden wall is enough to give an eccentric look to your house decoration. Wood can be a safe choice if you are looking for a wall of art ,perfect for your house appearance.

If you want to make various styles of decoration such as romantic or industrial style or the favorite rustic of the countryside wood can be the first material to be used. It is an interesting decorative element for any environment where its smooth elements can become particularly attractive.

4. A life-time option.
The favorite material is a classic and timeless choice. In this way it has become the most reliable technique of approaching both architecture and decoration. It will never let you down, because a wall covered in wood will always be in fashion.

Depending on the design you want your residence to have, you can adjust the age of the wood. There are woods with obsolete appearance, varnish woods that give a modern texture and raw natural wood for more intense dynamics.

5. It lasts for life.
A classic wall, a wallpaper or simple construction can easily spoil, wipe or become dirty. Wood has great durability and durability that can be maintained over time with a little effort.

Marks are difficult to be noticed and therefore are an ideal choice especially if there are kids in the house. This makes the wooden wall with its protective coating applicable to every room of your home.

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