Basic Patio Construction Tips
, 10-15-2017 at 08:04 AM (629 Views)
Patio construction requires the same hard work as you would be constructing any other part of your house. Using the right materials is very necessary for building the patio on the surface. The construction method requires a lot of attention as cracks on the surface and water coming out on the surface shows that the sub-base the preparation is based on flawed process. The kind of hard cape material also plays the significant role as it leads the different methods of construction. A project will consist of 4-6 weeks with consultation and constructed the finished patio. Installation of necessary patio material will take one week. The designs are more elaborative means it would take a longer period. Here are some of the tips for constructing the patio.
Mark the Site:
The step of the process includes marking the site where you will build the patio. You can use stakes and rope for outlining the patio. You first have to pound the stake into the surface at the corners of patio then tie the string to stakes. It would show size and shape that you want for constructing the patio. You can also use eco-friendly spray colors for taking the measurement on the curving patio. Marking the site is a natural process, and it does not require a lot of effort in completing the task.
Excavation is the step that you have to follow in this project. Once you are free from marking the site, you have to excavate patio footprints. You can dig 8-icnhes for preparing 4 –inches thick base and the top side would be 4-inches of concrete material. Concrete would come on the upper part of the broad base. The wood and plastic materials of the patio will hold this concrete that would be excavated 6-inches outside the lines you have marked. You can follow the same procedure if you are working with dry-laid patio which is constructed with flagstones and paving stones. Here you would use the edges of the area you have the dug as a guide to your procedure.
The Sub-Base:
Once you have excavated the site; you have to remove all the trash including debris and stone for providing the smooth surface to the base. Use a tempting machine or tool for tamping down the soil. Make the level of surface even with some tool. If you are using the concrete patio, then add the form to the sides of patio edges. Now pour loose gravel in the site on which you have just worked. Now compact the base with taming it again with a tool. Lay a plastic sheathing on the compressed gravel and reinforce metal mesh screen. Place half inch pieces of asphalt fiber with the distance of 15 feet for preventing bulking because the temperature can expand concrete.
Pour the wet concrete on the sub-base in between the expansion joints by using any tool. The two tools are for this procedure is skimming tools used for wood and handheld trowels. There should be no air holes in the concrete so push the concrete for settling it in the right position. Make the level area by taking the excess concrete on a side. Now move to the next section and work on it for smoothing the surface. Use a bristle broom if you want to create some unusual texture. Let the concrete stay in the same state for several days until patio is dry.
For the last touch, pour sand to the joints among the stones. Lock the stones with moist sand. The patio is ready, and you can walk on it on the same day of the construction if it has dry fully.
If your patio needs a boost and you want to improve it then in that case you really need to get in touch with professional companies like Patio overhang downriver in Michigan.