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How to Bid on Commercial Construction Projects

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Unlike residential projects, commercial projects need more specific skills. They are also rigid with the design and the expectation on the outcome. Working on commercial projects can give you higher profits as a contractor. However, bidding for commercial construction involves more business-to-business work and interaction, and the process is very technical and competitive.

Planning on bidding on a construction commercial project? Make sure to take note of the following guidelines to give your bid a higher chance of winning the project.

Prepare your portfolio.

Before you bid on any commercial construction projects, create a portfolio of your previous construction projects. It must be able to highlight your strengths as a construction contractor. Include a list of referrals from your past clients.

Be realistic on the size of projects that you can take on, and what projects are beyond your capability. Contact potential financing sources so you have data on the level of credit that you can work with.

Look for commercial projects in your area.

Look for construction commercial projects listed in periodicals, shop bulletin boards, trade hall bulletin boards, industry websites, and government bulletins. Take note of the projects that your company can take on, based on specs and details provided.

Take note of the project specifications.

When it comes to commercial construction projects, the client is usually stricter on his expected outcome. The exact specifications are very important. You, the contractor, must be able to fully understand what the client wants. You must know all the details of the project before you can create a successful bid.

Calculate the cost the project will entail from start to finish.

Based on the specifications and requirements of the client, calculate the project cost in full detail. All possible costs must be considered, from manpower, equipment, material, operating expenses, services, taxes, government fees, and other incidental fees.

Create a timeline of the construction project, from start to completion. If the client has given a deadline, make sure that the timeline coincides with the required completion date.

Double-check and prepare the bid package.

Double-check the bid the document. Check for any omitted costs and revise accordingly. Make sure that your bid or proposal complies with the criteria given by the client.

Prepare you bid as specified in the bid detail. Follow the format and forms specified. Attach any documentation requested by the client.

Create a cost summary to give information on how you have arrived at your bid price. A document detailing your plans on meeting the project requirements and specifications must also be included.

Submit the bid on time.

Submit the bid on or before the date and time required by the client. If the client asks for any supporting documents, make sure to respond ASAP.

Now that you’re familiar with the above guidelines, you are now ready to bid on your first construction commercial project! Do not hesitate to ask or request for more information from the procurement staff if you need to clarify details and specifications of the project. Good luck on your bid!

Written by Hubert Builders, a full service commercial construction company in Columbia, MO.

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