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Dealing with an Insect Invasion

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Name:  bed bugs control service in Toronto .jpg
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Size:  7.2 KBInsects are the most prolific creatures on earth. Worldwide, there are around nine hundred thousand insect species, and those are just the ones that we know about. At any one moment in time, there are an estimated 10 quintillion (that’s a one with nineteen zeros after it) insects alive on the planet. So, is it any wonder that you’ll find bugs of one kind or another in your home?

When you find a spider, fly, or wasp in your house, the solution is easy. Grab the nearest thing handy, a shoe, a newspaper, a brick, and smash that thing dead. If you suffer from arachnophobia, a flame-thrower is an acceptable alternative.However, if you find even a single cockroach, ant, or bed bug, you could be looking at a problem that cannot be solved with a shoe.

Just one of any of these species in your house could signal that you have an infestation.No amount of smashing is going to take care of this, so put your shoes down. An infestation requires much more than killing the bugs you can see; they have friends hiding and breeding, and these too must die.

If you do have an infestation, depending on the severity, it may be necessary to contact a bed bugs control service or a professional exterminator. There are things that you can do, however, to try to take care of the issue yourself.

The cockroach, which has been around for about four million years, is rumored to be able to survive a nuclear blast.These insects are among the most common household pests and are notoriously difficult to get rid of. These disgusting creatures contaminate food and spread disease by walking on and leaving excrement on food or countertops. Cockroaches are most active at night, making them difficult to detect, but once you do, a simple homemade treatment is to mix together 2 cups borax, 1/2 cup sugar, chopped onion, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, and a little water. Roll this into balls and put them in open sandwich bags anywhere you’ve seen cockroaches. You should also clean any spills, make sure your food is tightly sealed, clean behind appliances, and vacuum often. You have to combine intense cleaning with some kind of insecticide to get rid of these little buggers.

There are several varieties of ants that could invade your home, but carpenter ants are especially nasty. They will systematically destroy the wood in your house to make their nests, sometimes causing serious structural damage.Sawdust can be a sign that you have carpenter ants. Getting rid of ants requires meticulous cleaning to get rid of their food sources combined with bait they will carry back to the nest. You can also try a line of cinnamon around your home to keep them out.

Bedbugs are blood sucking insects that feed on humans and animals while they are asleep.
Although they cannot jump or fly, they can be moved from room to room on infested objects or people.If you see the bugs, which are brown or a reddish color, you are probably overlooking the eggs, which are white and nearly impossible to see. With every female laying two to four eggs a day, the eggs constitute a huge problem. They can live up to a year in a suitable environment. Again cleaning is a vital part of eliminating bedbugs. Throwing away infested furniture, using a steam cleaner to kill them with heat, or insecticides can help you end the infestation, but with the way these things breed, bed bug control service may be your best bet.

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