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What are Pesticides and Why Should You Avoid Using Them?

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The comfort of a home and good cultivation of a garden can easily be ruined by the mere sight of a rodent or a creepy crawly running rampant around the area. Your first instinct would be to either run away from it or get the closest slipper that you can whack it with. The “smart” response would be to grab a pesticide from your cabinet and rid your home of these nuisances.
But is using pesticides really the smart response to your infestation problem? What exactly are these pesticides? Would they produce more comfort or would they actually open the possibility of more danger. In this article, we try to shed some light on the issue.

What are pesticides?

Pesticides, as the name may suggests, are substances used to terminate pests like rodents, insects and the like that may affect the efficient growth of your garden or the cleanliness of your home. These pesticides are formulated to instantly kill these organisms so that they would stop multiplying and completely infesting the area.

What’s so bad about pesticides?

While pesticides can clear your home or your garden of unwanted crawlers, they can also put health at risk. When used for gardens, they can intoxicate your plants which can lead to harming those who cultivate it and even animals that get in contact with it.

Such substance contains chemicals that should never contaminate homes lest you wish to cause harm to the people living in it. If you have children in your household, there is more reason for you to not use pesticides, especially since their immune system is weaker than that of adults. They can contaminate the food and even the water that your children consume and harm them.

Using pesticides is also harmful to pregnant women. When they inhale or come in contact with the chemicals, they may experience birth problems due to damaged genes or defects with the baby.

What’s a good alternative to pesticides?

Now that we know how pesticides are not beneficial at all, what’s the next step to take? Look for the non-toxic pesticides that contain less-harmful and hazardous substances. Most contain botanicals and oils derived from plants and minerals. These are far better options as they promote the use of organic substances and are less harmful to those living in your home and to the health of your garden.

Another way to not use pesticides, while more difficult, is to go the extra mile and maintain the health of your home and garden so it won’t need pesticides at all. See to it that you get to clean your home regularly. And when you’re maintaining your garden, use organic substances. This way, you can keep it healthy and harvest plenty of well-grown plants.

Written by BugOut Pest Control & Lawn Care. BugOut Pest Control & Lawn Care offers the best service for pest control in Columbia, MO.

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