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What a Residential Real Estate Agent Will Do for You

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Whenever one has a property that he or she would like to sell or lease, he or she has to hire a real estate agent to handle the business end of things. Some people, however, do not fully understand the duties of a residential real estate agent. Listed in detail below are some of the duties typically performed by a residential real estate agent.

Showcase homes to potential clients

When people are trying to find a home to rent or buy, they will first identify a home that they think will suit them. After that, they will need to go to the house and assess the condition o the house as well as get information on the neighborhood they will be living in. It is the job of the real estate agent to show and explain the features of the house as well as the condition it is in to the potential clients. The agent will also give them a description of the neighborhood, the social amenities that will be available to them should they choose to purchase the house and the likes.

Discuss maintenance, repairs and renovations

When a client has already expressed interest in a house, there are cases where a client would like to discuss repairs and renovations to the house. This will require consideration from the real estate agency mainly because the repairs and renovations that are made will add to the value of the house. The real estate agent will be responsible for handling these negotiations with the client with instruction from the real estate agency. He or she will decide who will incur the expenses of the project and the consideration from the other party.

Facilitate and handle transactions

This is another key duty of a residential real estate agent. Once he or she has managed to convince a client to either lease or buy a property, he or she also has to make sure that all the transactions necessary to facilitate the sale or lease are taking place. For this to happen, the real estate agent will talk to the client about the payment plans that they are willing to accept from him or her. Once they come to an agreement about a given payment plan, it will still be the real estate agent’s job to oversee the transactions, and then to notify the owner of the building about the sale or lease and submit all the details of the transaction to the owner of the building or to the real estate agency.

Handle the specifics of the purchase or lease

Whenever a residential real estate agent finds a client that is willing to purchase or lease a property, there is bound to be some paperwork that ensures that the agreement between the real estate agency and the client. The residential real estate manager will act as a medium between these two people to ensure that the contract between the two parties is in order and that both parties fully understand what is expected of them. He or she will also be responsible for ensuring that the contract is legal and binding as well as ensure that the contract between the two parties is honored.

In conclusion, a real estate agent has numerous tasks. He or she is responsible for handling majority of the business of the real estate agency that he or she works for. He or she will be responsible for creating awareness about the residential area that the real estate agency is offering up for sale or lease and is also responsible for interesting potential customers in the property. A real estate agent is a fundamental part of a real estate agency.

Written by the experts at Columbia Real Estate, the most knowledgeable agents for real estate in Columbia, MO.

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