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How to Maintain and Inspect Your Roof

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ID:	10155Though roof maintenance is often ignored, it is often small problems that lead to costly home repairs.

Everyday, roofs are exposed to the sun, rain, wind and other factors that slowly weaken the life of your roof.

This article describes some measures you can take to maintain your roof every six months.

Areas to look out for during roof maintenance:

- Look out for missing, damaged or curling shingles and any other signs of wear and tear.

- Signs of algae or fungus are sign that your roof needs maintenance. In this case, install zinc or lead control strips.

- Look out for rust in metal areas. If present, wire brush the rust, then prime and paint the metal.

- Look out for cracked mortar or chimneys and seal them if it appears to be deteriorating.

- Examine the flashing to make sure it is solid. If not, remove all the old caulk and scrub the area clean before resealing.

Other Roof Maintenance Tips:

- Sweep off any excess debris on your roof including sticks and leaves to prevent shingle damage and algae growth that will clog your gutters.

- Trim any overhanging branches to prevent roof damage and keep animals off of your roof.

- In cold, snowy areas make sure use a snow rake to pull any snow off your roof to prevent a collapse.

- Check out for leaks, cracks and water stains on walls and glazing, pipes, conduit and other things that go through walls. Often, these are left unsealed, especially when they are installed as retrofits.

- You should also make sure to check your drainage system. Simply removing the gunk from around the drain may solve any persistent areas of standing water. If this does not solve the problem, you may also need to snake roof drainpipes or downpipes. Standing water will cause roof failure by allowing water to leach chemicals into your roof membrane and weaken it.

Start on the Inside

When you are having your roof checked out, make sure they check both the inside and outside.

Look out for the following things:

-Dark spots or trails that may be a sign of possible leakage.

-Any signs of water damage.

-Any outside light shining through your roof

Inspect Your Home’s Exterior

When you are having your roof checked, make sure your account for any damaged or missing roof tiles, blistering paint, curling sealant and moss or algae growth. It is important to make sure you inspect for cracked or torn roof tiles and make sure to check for roof problems around vents, pipes and chimneys. Always ensure you check for any rotor molds it could be a sign of a water related problem. Check your roof sheeting, tiles and screws regularly for asbestos and loose parts. Loose sheeting and broken tiles are very hazardous, especially during bad weather. When you are building you home it is a good idea to opt for impact resistant roofing in order to prevent any serious damage to your roof structure.

Prevention is the best way to keep roof problems away. This is why you should inspect and keep your roof in a good condition. Damage prevention can make a very big difference and keep you from paying for a big roof repair bill down the line.

Written by True Son Exteriors, the best contractors for roofing in Columbia, MO has to offer.

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