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Going Eclectic on your Home

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For anyone who is into design at all, knowing how to manipulate pieces of furniture is everything. This goes not only for chasing a certain style but of every single aspect of home decorating. Eclectic style is particularly tricky. It might seem like all you got to do is throw pieces of furniture together and that’s that – but in truth it takes a lot of careful moves. Otherwise, you’ll place will end up looking like a furniture store.

So, here are some amazing insights into eclectic home design to help you achieve your goal.

Blend it out

Remember the furniture store scare we talked about at the beginning of this article? Yes, well – to prevent that from happening, you need to go eclectic all the way, that is – have that motif all through the house. If you don’t, your eclectic living room will end up looking misplaced and just odd. So, since you’ve already decided that eclectic is your thing, make sure it’s present in all rooms of the house. It doesn’t have to go overboard, though. It’s enough you have a few eclectic “scenes” in each room – for instance, pairing a modern wall mirror with a rustic looking end table under it, with curved legs. The colors can be different too.

Don’t overwhelm the space

It’s all about balance – both in life and design. Make sure you don’t overwhelm the space and be sure the mix is evenly distributed. The place should give you the feel that overall ambiance balance has been achieved. For instance, if you’ve got two pieces of modern, two of Chinese and two of Italian provincial furniture that’s fine. That is – it’s fine as long as it’s balanced out not just thrown together. Don’t cluster pieces from each style in their own area, mix them!

Now, even the blinds within glass are used in windows and doors that allows the natural sunlight to enter the room. Such blinds are becoming very common in the United Kingdom, as British people are fond of experience the natural light which they mostly miss out due cloudy season most of the year.

Decorate your boxy black sofa with some Chinese brocade pillows and then place the Italian end tables next to it.

Find the common thread

A common thread is what holds the interior together. Usually, this happens to be the color which can be a great equalizer. For instance, choose your favorite color and find the way to work it in the space. Say your favorite color is green; much of your decorative accent should be featured in this color and your furniture should also feature at least a few greenish threads. Accessorize in this tone or color will help unify the space.

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