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Tips for Finding the Right Commercial Construction Firm

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From malls to banks, commercial construction firms work on a wide range of projects. If you are a developer, entrepreneur or businessperson who is looking to construct a commercial property, you want to make sure that you find a qualified commercial construction firm for your project.

When you’re looking for a commercial construction firm, you are most likely looking for two things - value and competency. You want a qualified construction firm that can finish your project at a competitive price and has experience with your particular type of project. To make your search for a commercial construction firm easier, there are some simple things to keep in mind when making your decision.

Define Your Needs

More than anything, you need a construction firm that can meet your needs, but if you don’t actually know what you need, you can’t communicate that to a firm. Having a solid plan and being able to articulate your needs will make the process much easier. Before you even contact a construction firm, you should have a good idea about what you want.

Consult Professional Organizations

There are a number of organizations around the nation that can help you find a commercial contractor for your project. The Associated General Contractors of America has 95 chapters and 30,000 firm members nationwide. The Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) is a non-profit organization has councils throughout the United States. And the Building Owners and Managers Association International (BOMA) has 91 associations around the country. Between them, these organizations have a plethora of resources that you can consult to learn more about commercial construction firms that may meet your project’s needs.

Check Their References

If you were hiring a new employee, you would want to be knowledgeable about their work history and references before you hired them. Since the commercial construction firm will be working for you, treat them like a potential new hire. Ask what projects they have done that may be related to your needs and get as much information as you can about the project. If possible, visit the location to observe their work. You can even contact the owner of the business to get a feel for how it was to work with them. It pays off to do some legwork to get a feel for what they can do and what it will be like to interact with them throughout your project. You want to know their track record on previous projects, what types of projects that are capable of completing and their safety record.

Choose Compatibility

No one enjoys working with someone they can’t get along with. As you are searching for a commercial construction firm, ask yourself how comfortable you are with the people you meet and how well you envision yourself being able to work with them. It could even be worth paying more so that you will be able to enjoy working with the people in the firm. While it may seem unimportant to keep in mind, it may end up being one of the main points that you remember from the project, either for good or for bad.

Finding the Right Fit for You

Finding the right commercial construction firm to build your property takes time. To facilitate this process keep these things in mind and you will find a great firm to work with.

Written by Kent Murdock, owner of Randy Adams Construction in Columbia, MO. Randy Adams Construction is one of the premiere commercial construction companies in Columbia, MO has to offer.

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