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Rajat Tyagi

Engineered Wooden Flooring vs Laminate Wooden Flooring

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Wooden flooring has always been the preferred choice for many home owners in the country. It gives the home a cozy feel while rendering it a rich premium look.

Two of the most widely used types of wooden flooring used can be classified into engineered wooden flooring and laminate wood flooring. This article is to help you understand the difference between the two.

Wood flooring is classy, stylish and one of the most popular types of flooring. Many homeowners today are opting for wood flooring for the advantages it carries. From style to durability, today’s wooden floorings have come a long way from what they used to be before. There are two main types of wooden flooring that people are opting for; engineered wooden flooring and laminate wood flooring. Here are some differences including the wooden flooring price difference between the two.

How are They Made?

Engineered wood flooring is made of plywood, which is covered by a thin layer of hardwood on top to give it a natural look. On the other hand laminate wood flooring is made of fiberboard and then a high-resolution photographic image is pasted on top of it which is then covered by a Wear layer making it resistant to water and other stains.

Look and Feel

Naturally, engineered floorings have a more natural look since natural wood is used as a top layer giving it a much more premium look. Laminate flooring on the other hand may not look as authentic because a photographic image is used to give it a wooden look.


Engineered floorings are more durable than the laminate wood floorings. This is because of the plywood core of the flooring. Moreover, the engineered wood flooring can be refinished a few times if there are scratches using a sand paper. However, there is a limit to this and you can only sand it till you reach the plywood layering. On the other hand, since laminate flooring is laminated, it is less prone to scratches but once you do get scratches, the only option left for you is to replace the flooring. That is why if you look at these wooden flooring price, there is a difference While engineered is slightly expensive, laminate comes much cheaper.

Moisture Resistance:

Both these floorings are fairly resistant to the moisture. While laminated flooring gets its protection from the Wear top layer, engineered wooden flooring gets its protection from the tight compression of the wood.

While engineered wood flooring is good if you don’t intend to sell off the house soon, laminate flooring is good if you have kids at home and if you only plan to use it for few years. Also if you look at both the wooden flooring price in Delhi, you will note that engineered is expensive but more durable whereas laminate is cheaper but not as durable or stylish.

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