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How to Give your Home the New England Style

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The historic New England Style is something that a lot of us tend to have affection towards and in this day and age of shabby chic – it’s the perfect way to style your home.

Getting that raw look can take a little thought, however it allows you to create a classic architectural piece that provides the old fashioned feel in a new and modern style home.

The Past

The New England Style is one that tends to pay homage to the past of the area. This means that a lot of the homes traditionally had fishing based antiques. As a fishing and whaling area there was a very certain nautical feel about the place. In traditional new England cottages it’s common to see whaling bones,, hanging lamps made from nets and a general nautical feel – it’s could be a good idea to consider these in your living area.


The area tends to be one to really push the idea of pastel shades. So, if you’re looking to create your home in the New England Style then greens, whites and similar pastel colors are idea. In addition, brighter colors can be used as accents to give it that sort of a feel.

Small Rooms Large

Making smaller rooms seem larger than they are is one of the main things that a visit to the New England region of the USA will teach you. For example, cupboards in the kitchen tend to have glass fronts which tends to provide a cleaner and clearer layout. Slender white appliances tend to also work well and make the room that bit more light and airy. In addition, using wooden countertops gives that organic feel – something well worth considering keeping in the home.


The traditional home in this style has a lot of eclectic objects on show. Whether it’s pots, vases for flowers or otherwise, the traditional home of the New England style showcases a lot of the items that people tend to won. In the purest sense a lot of these are fishing orientated items that give the home a little seaside flair.

New England Furniture

New England Furniture is quite like home itself and there is a lot to be said for the style of this sturdy and well-made furniture. Like everything to do with New England, the furniture in the area is also timeless. It’s all about comfort first and homely delights and is often covered in pillows and other soft furnishings. Slip covered chairs are very common.

Soft Touch

The whole house will have a soft touch if it’s got and adheres to the New England style – hanging silk sheers and linen drapes can really add this to the home. A light, feminine touch tends to be one of the calling cards of the bedrooms and helps give the whole style the comfort you’d expect.

Giving your home the New England touch is one of those things that takes a little planning and thinking, however these tips should help you do so.

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