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  1. How to Properly Clean the Fireplace in your Oxford Living Room

    A lot of people in Oxford choose to use a fireplace as the main heat source during the cold months. It is cheaper than electricity, and the fire creates a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere in your living room. But now, when the winter is almost over, it is time to clean your fireplace properly. And here comes the big question: Do you actually know how to do that? Many people think that as long as you remove the leftover ash everything is fine, but it is not entirely true. We have compiled a simple ...
  2. Carpet Cleaning Tips That Will Save Your Dorset Home

    Carpets the thing that makes every place feel like a home. They are the perfect addition to your lovely Dorset house. Nowadays there are so many different types of rugs and carpets that are hard to keep up with all the trends and styles. One is certain you always need to keep your carpets cleaned and vacuumed. We have prepared a couple of valuable advice on how to have a modern home with spotless carpets.

    Oh No, You Spilt Nail Polish on the Carpet!

    If you have a teenage ...
  3. 10 Minute Cleaning Tips With Amazing Results

    Let's be honest almost nobody loves cleaning the house. You can spend your time much more enjoyable like going to the park, to a concert or spending a couple of relaxing hours with your family and friends. Unfortunately, everybody has to perform their cleaning duties. To speed up the process and assure that you have enough of free time, look at this list of fast and easy tips to tidy your home.

    Clean with what you have in the Kitchen

    Why wasting time and money on expensive ...