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Vermont Woods Studios

  1. American Made Furniture Sale - 15% Off Storewide

    We're celebrating the Made in America awakening started by Diane Sawyer and ABC news with a storewide SALE on our 100% American made furniture. This doesn't happen very often. We do try to offer a great sale each week, but it all depends on the current price of wood and the status of our independent furniture makers. For example sometimes they'll be willing to offer a discount on a certain furniture collection because if they limit their production to a small number of items they can achieve an ...
  2. Vermont Furniture Featured on ABC News "Made in America" Series

    I blogged about Diane Sawyer's Made in America Series on ABC News. As I was going through ABC's website I noticed that they have a great little map of the USA that shows where American made products are being produced. The only problem was that Vermont Woods Studios Furniture was not on that map.
    So I contacted ABC and requested that we be included. Low and behold... a few days later I got a call from Zach at ABC wanting to know what our company was all about. I assured him that all of our ...