View Full Version : Should I make or buy outright a new recliner for my elderly uncle

10-30-2020, 07:05 AM
I have a old recliner at my home. An all wood construction with the classic recliner design. It is extremely durable even after years of use. But it's just a plain classic recliner. My uncle now needs a kind of recliner with provides a lift function. I did some search and came across a article which lists some of the best reclining chairs for for elderly - hod9.com/best-reclining-chair-for-elderly/ - the list has some of the best known brands and they have detailed each of those chairs for all their features. It's a long list but I have shortlisted these two,
Irene house
Canmov Power Lift

I need your inputs which one among the two can be taken. If anyone have had some experiences on these 2 models or if you can chip in with any other model which you have had a good experience, it will be helpful.

I have given the option of making a customized recliner for my uncle at my home, at thought, but I think, it will involve a lot of other aspects and the finishing and the application level might not be at the desired level.