View Full Version : Tell me some nice features to look for when choosing a pedestal sink

07-13-2015, 02:35 PM
Our old vanity bathroom sink needs to be replaced and I want to replace it with a new pedestal sink.

Since I am the one who insists on this style of sink, can you please tell me some nice features to look for when choosing a pedestal sink?

This way I can make everyone in my family happy with the choice.

home improvement guy
07-13-2015, 02:45 PM
Pedestal sinks always seem to be in style, so you can't go wrong there. Even though the basic design has not really changed over the years, some new features have been added for extra comfort, workspace and looks. Here are three of my favorite pedestal features to consider:

1. Comfort height. Some pedestal sinks are made a little higher than standard height sinks. So, if you are looking for less bending and straining over the sink, this can be a nice feature.

2. Wide, flat edges. With a pedestal sink, you can lose counter space. Getting a pedestal sink with wide and flat edges around the bowl can make up for some of that lost space.

3. Suite collection. Finally, get a pedestal sink that is part of a suite collection. This way if you ever change the toilet, you can bowl your family over with a perfect match for your new pedestal sink.