View Full Version : Bamboo floors?

02-23-2015, 03:04 PM
I have bamboo wood floors and I have been mopping them with mop glo and a regular Libby mop-they are really spotty though. Does anyone have any other ideas on what to use to get them squeeky clean?


05-10-2015, 02:38 AM
Hello doni,

I'm new here and interested of helping you out since I have also a bamboo floors^^

I usually do mopping in regular basis. Using some alternative like vinegar; vinegar-water mixture at a 1:4 ratio, fill a spray bottle with vinegar solution, and spray the area before wiping it up or you can very lightly dampen the cloth. Remember to dry the area with a towel immediately. Do not wax the bamboo or use oil cleaners.

I hope this little information will help.

12-14-2016, 03:24 AM
With bamboo you want to avoid using chemicals as much as possible. Try lemon or vinegar.

06-22-2017, 03:50 AM
Bamboo wood floors are very durable and versatile. Keeping them clean and taking care is important. Vinegar is a good cleaning agent for floors.

09-04-2017, 05:05 AM
Using vinegar is a good idea to keep your bamboo floor clean and long lasting. You can place doormat on it to prevent it from dirt.

05-10-2018, 04:27 AM
Exactly, that's what you have to do.

With bamboo you want to avoid using chemicals as much as possible. Try lemon or vinegar.