View Full Version : Stop attic mold from growing

11-16-2014, 06:11 PM
I live in a 120-year-old mill town home with about 1,000 square feet. It has no basement, no insulation on the walls, insulation in attic.

The earth floor underneath is covered with some sort of sheeting. During the summer I noticed that the AC was not cooling properly. My landlord did not check the unit but said it had been checked out the year before.

Early July I noticed what I thought was mold on the side of my wooden dresser and on all my leather goods and leather shoes. I cleaned them with a solution of vinegar and water, having to throw out three or four pairs. I cleaned the surface of the closet floor and shelves with bleach/water mix. I had to throw out two pairs of drapes as there was mold/mildew growing on the side exposed to the sun.

The landlord bought me a dehumidifier. When I turn it on, it registers always between 70 and 80 percent humidity.

As it runs, I have been able to bring that level down between 50 and 55. I do not like running it all the time so have been turning it on when I leave the house and turning it off when I am indoors. I usually empty it every day.

What else can I do?

home improvement guy
11-17-2014, 08:58 AM
Mold and mildew are similar types of fungi. Mold is typically a darker black, brown or green whereas mildew is a powdery or downy gray or white. Both need a food source, high humidity and warm temperatures to grow.

Typically you will find mildew on stored food or tile surfaces and mold on things made of cellulose (paper, wood, etc.).

The ideal treatment for both is to discard the affected item and to then control the humidity levels so that neither one reappears.

Several sources recommend the humidity levels be controlled between 40 percent and 60 percent and this is what the air conditioner does in the cooling season. If mold is forming in the warmer months, the air conditioner is not doing its job and needs to be repaired. Make sure the condensate water from the air conditioner and the dehumidifier empty to a sewer by means of an air break or a point outside the living area of the home.

You can purchase a small pump that will automatically drain the dehumidifier or you can set the dehumidifier on a cabinet top next to a sink or toilet and let it drain naturally.

Although some manufacturers of cleaning products recommend using bleach and water to clean mold, I have found the mixture will feed the mold because of the water. The vinegar and water mixture also adds water to the mold. Try using vinegar and baking soda to make a dough that can be applied to the mold and then wiped clean with a dry cloth or paper towel. Discard the towels outside the home.

The curtains are molding due to air leaks at the window where condensation forms. Use an interior plastic film such as Saran wrap to cover the windows' openings to prevent condensation. Monitor the humidity levels at the dehumidifier and the temperature of the room and then adjust either one until the interior is dry and you are comfortable.

When you lower the temperature you will find more condensation forming because cold air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air.