View Full Version : Old kitchen, five new ways

03-30-2011, 02:30 PM
The ‘Old kitchen, five new ways’ concept is based on the ‘Frankfurt Kitchen’ model created in 1926. A new achievement at the time, it was all about taking up as little space as possible but creating maximum space to move around in and organising areas that were in use at the same time in the best possible way. To date, similar layouts and proportions can still be found as the basis for fitted kitchens. The five design ideas are all different in terms of their planning, fittings and price, thus creating the perfect solution for everyone.

1. A relaxed-design, modern kitchen


2. A simple kitchen for smaller budgets


3. An extended kitchen diner


4. The storage kitchen


5. The stylish culinary workshop


www.plana.de (http://www.plana.de)

09-15-2011, 04:15 AM
When exploring the possibilities and discovering the options that are available to you for producing a modern kitchen then keep your eyes open for any ideas that you may see. Why not look in magazines, at kitchen showrooms or show houses at new development or even look at your neighbor's kitchen.

11-25-2011, 05:07 AM
Love these tips, thanks for sharing. The pictures are very inspiring with my favourite being the "storage kitchen".

08-18-2012, 02:40 AM
You have really provided best ways to remodel our kitchen with the best ideas. I have seen over here presented pictures and carefully observed before and after condition of kitchen. Your tips are really very helpful, and I will surely follow these all tips.

08-24-2012, 12:58 AM
Remodeling the kitchen is very good idea. Yes, I am confused that How it re modulate and how it affect the other designs as well. I must say that thankful to you for your nice suggestion.

08-30-2012, 04:45 AM
A new coat of paint is perhaps the most inexpensive way to add a cleaner, more modern look to an old kitchen. Light hues, particularly white, cream and beige, are ideal for small rooms and those that lack natural light exposure.

10-28-2012, 06:58 AM
I love how you have pictured the change in each design. I love modern kitchen. It's spacious and gives me a feeling of fresh space. -

11-08-2012, 08:20 AM
Great idea to remodel your whole kitchen.

08-29-2013, 07:20 AM
I appreciate the details, materials, the layout, all the finer things that make it special and swoon-worthy. But sometimes too much day dreaming can make me feel a little deflated when I walk into my thoroughly average and unspectacular rental kitchen.

10-08-2013, 11:56 PM
Well like your 5 ideas for the same kitchen. If anyone working on kitchen they can choose the plan which suits them the best. I like a simple kitchen for smaller budgets. When you start building home it costs you a lot and everyone has wished to make the house beautiful. In result some time we run out of budgets. So planning to save some money at the start.